Christoph Luschnat

Fachgebietsleiter Energiepolitik und Koordination Wasserstoff
terranets bw GmbH

Christoph Luschnat is a graduate economist who studied at Hohenheim. After completing his studies, he initially worked for various international communication agencies in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and London. In 2006, he joined the EnBW Group where he held various positions, most recently in the political department in Berlin and Brussels. Since 2020, he has been leading the Energy Policy and Hydrogen Coordination department at terranets bw, where he coordinates all hydrogen activities of terranets.

21. Juni 2024The German "Kernnetz": Backbone for Industry and Mobility

Sessions Weiterführende Inhalte
Konferenzen & Green Hydrogen Forum
Call for Abstracts

Einreichungsschluss: 6. Dezember 2024

Bis 6. Dezember 2024 können Sie uns Ihren Präsentationsvorschlag für die Konferenzen und Messeforen im Rahmen von The smarter E Europe über das Call for Abstracts Center zukommen lassen.

Festschrift 10 Jahre ees Europe
Teil 2: Energiespeicher sind der logische nächste Schritt

Teil 2 der vierteiligen Reihe zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum der ees beleuchtet den engen Zusammenhang zwischen erneuerbaren Energien und dem Speichermarkt.

Joel Vogl, Infener

CEO and Co-founder


Joel Vogl is CEO and co-founder of Infener. He is also a partner and holds a management position at the W&P Group. His extensive expertise in the field of hydrogen originated at an early stage and has continuously developed since. Scientific studies in the field of geosciences at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen were preceded by a degree in business administration from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Further specialization was achieved through a master's degree in business administration and relevant postgraduate studies at the University of Leicester.

Jonas Heilhecker, bayernets GmbH

Referent Projektentwicklung Wasserstoff Netzstrategie & Innovation


Jonas Heilhecker is a hydrogen project developer working for bayernets GmbH in munich. In network strategy and innovation, he works both on regional network planning and internationally on integrating the bayernets network into the import corridors. Before joining bayernets, he worked for a distribution network operator and was involved in the planning of the first real conversion project from natural gas to hydrogen in inhabited buildings. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering.

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