PV Power Invest Germany: How to Meet Ambitious 2030 Targets Under a New Government?

Tuesday, May 06, 2025

04:30 pm - 06:00 pm
ICM München
Room 14 A

Germany, the only European solar market with sustained annual deployment in the double-digit gigawatt range, must accelerate even further to meet its ambitious 2030 PV targets. With over 100 GW of total capacity by the end of the year, the country now faces the challenge of more than doubling its capacity to 215 GW within just six years, and reaching 400 GW by 2040. However, with a new government, energy infrastructure constraints, and a generally gloomy business climate, are these goals actually achievable?

This session will provide:

  • Comprehensive market status update across key solar segments
  • Insights into the new political landscape's impact on solar deployment
  • Strategies and policy tools to meet the 2030 & 2040 targets
  • Panel discussion with industry experts on overcoming barriers

04:30 pm - 04:35 pmWelcome & Introduction

Dr. Michael Fuhs

Chief Editor

pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG

04:35 pm - 04:50 pmSolar Market Overview - from plug-in solar to utility scale PV power plants

04:50 pm - 05:05 pmPaths to a climate neutral Energy System in Germany

05:05 pm - 05:20 pmFinancing Rooftop Solar

05:20 pm - 05:35 pmReal-life Challenges and Solutions in Solar Project Development in Germany

05:35 pm - 06:00 pmPanel: Writings on the wall - What to expect from Europe's largest solar market under a new government?

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