FAQs for Exhibitors

On this page, exhibitors find information, details and support regarding important topics and frequently asked questions. The FAQ is structured as follows:

  • On-site
  • Exhibitor Cockpit: Login + General
  • Exhibitor Cockpit: Exhibitor Tickets / Admission Vouchers / VIP Tickets
  • Exhibitor Cockpit: Digital Corporate Presence
  • Technology & Services: Technical Orders / Services Messe München / Logistics / Service Booklet
  • Invoices
  • Booth Location
  • General

Exhibitor Cockpit: login & general

What is the Exhibitor Cockpit?

The Exhibitor Cockpit is a password-protected online platform that helps companies organize their participation. Here, exhibitors can register for one of our exhibitions, manage their ticketing, customize their entry in the exhibitor directory and discover various marketing opportunities.

I’m having trouble logging into the Exhibitor Cockpit. What can I do?

Make sure that you are using the correct platform and log in with your existing credentials.

If you can no longer remember your password, use the “Forgot Password” function to reset it. If you do not receive an e-mail with which you can reset your password, please check your SPAM folder in addition to your inbox to be on the safe side.
If you are unsure, you can perform a cross-check by registering a profile with your contact details.
You will then receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your e-mail address in order to activate your user account.
If you do not receive any of the above-mentioned e-mails or have technical problems with the implementation, please contact us at TheSmarterE@fwtm.de. . We will take care of your request as quickly as possible.

Please note that only the main contact person has access to the exhibitor data. This information can be found on page 3 of the application confirmation.

I cannot access my data or the co-exhibitor’s data in the Exhibitor Cockpit. What can I do?

Please check whether you are the current main contact person for your company. You will find this information on page 3 of your application confirmation. If this is the case, please check if you have received the approval from all main and co-exhibitors that you’re managing. If you still don't have access, please contact us at TheSmarterE@fwtm.de.

I’m in charge of planning our attendance as an exhibitor at The smarter E Europe together with several colleagues. Can we all get access to the Exhibitor Cockpit?

No, only the person who was registered as contact person has access (as specified in your application). If you wish to change your contact person, please contact TheSmarterE@fwtm.de. .

We’ve changed our contact person for the exhibition. How can the new contact person gain access to the Exhibitor Cockpit?

Please inform us of the desired change in writing at TheSmarterE@fwtm.de. . As soon as we have changed the contact person within our system, only this person will have access to the respective Exhibitor Cockpit .

Please note: The new contact person must register once as a new user and assign their own password. If they have already registered, simply log in.

Can I give my co-exhibitors their own access to the Exhibitor Cockpit?

Yes, you can create these accounts yourself in the Exhibitor Cockpit . After logging in, select the “Start” field next to your main exhibitor in the exhibitor editing area. If necessary, close the checklist first. You will find the quick link “co-exhibitor access” in the menu bar of your overview. You will be guided through the entire process. After successful creation you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.

Exhibitor Cockpit: exhibitor tickets / admission vouchers / VIP tickets

How many free exhibitor-tickets do I get?

The number of free exhibitor tickets is based on your booth space.

  • up to 10 sqm = 2 exhibitor tickets
  • 11-20 sqm = 3 exhibitor tickets
  • 21-30 sqm = 5 exhibitor tickets
  • 31-50 sqm = 9 exhibitor tickets
  • 51-100 sqm = 13 exhibitor tickets
  • 101-150 sqm = 19 exhibitor tickets
  • 151-200 sqm = 23 exhibitor tickets
  • 201-250 sqm = 27 exhibitor tickets
  • 251-500 sqm = 31 exhibitor tickets
  • from 500 sqm = 37 exhibitor tickets

Any additional exhibitor tickets will be charged separately (price available within the Exhibitor Cockpit)

Where can I register the exhibitor tickets?

You can register your exhibitor tickets in the Exhibitor Cockpit . Log in and open the relevant exhibitor data with ‘Start’. In the overview, you will find the quick link ‘Exhibitor Tickets’ at the top of the page. You will be redirected to a page where you must accept our conditions and privacy policy in order to gain access to the actual registration page. Once accepted, please follow the link ‘Order Exhibitor Tickets’ below the information about your free exhibitor tickets.

Please note that the registration of exhibitor tickets is only possible after full payment of the stand rental invoice.

Do we need tickets for setting up and dismantling the booth?

No, you don’t need a ticket for the set-up and dismantling.

My colleague is sick and cannot participate. Can another person use the exhibitor ticket?

No, the exhibitor ticket is personal and non-transferable. You must cancel the affected exhibitor ticket in your Exhibitor Cockpit and then register a new ticket (see “Where can I register exhibitor tickets?”).

How do I order entry vouchers for my customers?

You can order admission vouchers for your customers in the Exhibitor Cockpit under the option "Vouchers"

  1. Log in to the Exhibitor Cockpit
  2. Click on the "Start" field behind the exhibitor to be edited. If you are only responsible for one exhibitor, you will only be able to select this exhibitor
  3. Several options will appear, select "Vouchers" or search for this term via the search function and start the process
  4. Enter the appropriate number of admission vouchers, that you would like to order. Click on "Add to shopping basket" and confirm the shopping cart
  5. On the confirmation page you will find a red highlighted text with a link. Please use this link 10 Minutes after receiving your order confirmation via E-Mail.
  6. You will be redirected to a new page. The user interface now changes slightly - you can invite your visitors via the top tile "Vistor Management and Membership and Membership Benefits" and see whether your customers have already registered
  7. Click on "Invite visitors"
  8. Specify a campaign name and choose between "Invitation by e-mail" (sending an e-mail directly from the system) and "Provision of registration codes" (Excel list with codes is created and provided to you via the ESC)
  9. If you choose "Invitation by e-mail", proceed in the next steps in the same way as for exhibitor ticket registration
How can I invite my customers to The smarter E Europe and what would that cost?

You can invite your customers to visit The smarter E Europe. This is done via the Exhibitor Cockpit .
Log in and open the relevant exhibitor data with ‘Start’. In the overview you will find the quick link "Vouchers" at the top of the page. You will be redirected to a page where you will find more detailed information about amount and costs of available vouchers. Once you have accepted the Privacy Policy, please follow the link ‘Manage vouchers’. Within the process you can choose between the options to invite your clients directly via our e-invitation tool or if you would like to download an excel file with codes that you can distribute via your own tool.

If the existing voucher contingent is not sufficient, please contact TheSmarterE@fwtm.de. .

I received the order confirmation for vouchers but cannot find the codes.

If you have already received the order confirmation for your vouchers, but cannot find the voucher codes please follow the steps below:

  1. Please Login to the Exhibitor Cockpit
  2. Please click on "Start" behind your exhibitor name
  3. Please search for the term "Voucher" via the search mask
  4. Start the process. You will be redirected to a new page.
  5. Please click on the link "Voucher Management" on the left side of your screen below the text.
  6. A new page opens. In the top box, below the purple shopping cart symbol you will find the fiel "Invite Customers"
  7. Please click on "Invite Customers"
  8. Specify a campaign name and choose between "Invitation by e-mail" (sending an e-mail directly from the system) and "Provision of registration codes" (Excel list with codes is created and provided to you via the ESC).
  9. If you choose "Invitation by e-mail", proceed in the next steps in the same way as for exhibitor ticket registration.
Can I participate at the conference with my exhibitor ticket?

No, the exhibitor ticket only gives you access to exhibitions of The smarter E Europe (Wednesday and Thursday from 7 am to 7 pm, Friday until 6 pm).

How do I get VIP tickets?

The number of free VIP tickets is based on your membership status and your booth size. You can find the number of free exhibitor tickets granted to you via the Order Center in the Exhibitor Cockpit under “Tickets & Vouchers”, where you can also directly invite your VIP guests. VIP ticket are not for sale. If you have any questions, please contact Gaby Kubitza:

Ms Gaby Kubitza

Operations Manager The smarter E Europe

Phone +49 7231 58598-10
Fax +49 7231 58598-28
Email kubitza@solarpromotion.com

What does the VIP ticket include?

The VIP ticket includes free access to the exhibition on all three exhibition days, the use of airport shuttles from and to Munich airport, one free use of the on-site coatcheck, as well as free access to the Bavaria Lounge at the West Entrance, first floor.

How are the redeemed entry vouchers charged?

The entrance vouchers ordered by you will be invoiced with the final invoice after the exhibition.
Please note that no matter how many vouchers you order, you will always receive an order confirmation by e-mail. This order confirmation will always show an order amount of €0. The invoice will only be issued after the exhibition on the basis of the tickets purchased.

Please note the following principles for the invoicing of vouchers:
Redeemed vouchers will be invoiced to you after the exhibition at €9.00 each plus VAT, whereby for non-members and members the first 50 REDEEMED VOUCHERS are FREE OF CHARGE and we charge a maximum of 200 redeemed vouchers per exhibitor.

For special cases depending on membership status, please refer to the services listed in the Exhibitor Cockpit .

When can I print my exhibitor ticket on site?

From the first day of the exhibition or the first access by scanning the QR code you will receive your exhibitor ticket (badge).

Where can I manage/check my booked exhibitor tickets/entry vouchers?

You can check your booked exhibitor tickets and entry vouchers via the Order Center in the Exhibitor Cockpit under “Tickets & Vouchers”. You can find a detailed description of how to proceed under “How do I order entry vouchers for my customers?”.

I bought a ticket, but now I can't take part. Can I return the ticket?

The ticket cannot be cancelled. Please note the applicable terms and conditions .

Exhibitor Cockpit: digital corporate presence

How can we edit our company’s entry in the exhibitor list in the Exhibitor Cockpit?

Please log in to the Exhibitor Cockpit . Click on the "Start" button behind your exhibitor. At the top of the page you will find the quick link “Company profile” (alternatively possible via the Checklist). By clicking on the pencil next to your company name or contact details, you can edit them on the right-hand side. You also have the option of adding a customised company presentation including images.

You can also download a QR code containing a link to your company’s entry in the exhibitor list to embed it into your communication.

You have the option to publish your logo in the exhibitor list and/or in our event guide (a printed exhibitor list with floor plan), subject to a fee.

Which format specifications do I need to consider if I want to publish my logo in the printed event guide?

Logos are usually depicted in a square vector. All formats listed here must depict the full logo, without margins. The following minimal requirements need to be met by your image file:

  1. Presentation without quality loss
    To display your logo without quality loss on any end device,
    you should use an SVG file (Scalable Vector Graphics). Fonts need to be converted to paths, otherwise a font pre-installed on the individual device will be used. As this SVG file can be scaled without quality loss, there are no minimal requirements.
  2. Minimal requirements
    If you don’t have an SVG file, you can also use a PNG version of the logo. The PNG file should have a transparent background. This file can only be displayed with a maximum of 300 x 300 px. To ensure an optimal presentation on any end device, the file should be no less than 600 x 600 px at 72 dpi (without margin).
    This results in the following minimal values for landscape and portrait formats:
    - Landscape format (without margin) / min. 600 px wide / 72 dpi
    - Portrait format (without margin) / min. 600 px wide / 72 dpi
    - Square (without margin) / 600 x 600 px / 72 dpi

Please be aware that we only accept logos in the colour spectrum RGB.

  1. Minimal requirements
    If you don’t have an SVG or PNG file of the logo, you can also use JPG. Your JPG should have a white background. The minimal values are identical to those listed in 2.
What services can I book via the Order Center in the Exhibitor Cockpit?

You can find the services in your Checklist of the Exhibitor Cockpit . Some of these booking options include:

  • Editing the company profile in the exhibitor list as well as adding a logo
  • Registering exhibitor tickets
  • Ordering entry vouchers for your customers
  • Posting vacancies
  • Booking Scan2Lead services (efficient documentation/lead-tracking of your conversations at the exhibition booth)
  • Press kit space rental
  • Requesting conference or meeting rooms
  • Downloading individual banners for your communication on the exhibition
  • Registering for the free Membership Program and receiving benefits
When can I print my exhibitor ticket on site?

You will receive your ticket from the first day of the exhibition or the first time you enter by scanning the QR code on your exhibitor ticket.

What is Scan2Lead?

The company Adventics offers our exhibitors a lead tracking system for efficient documentation/lead tracking of conversations at the booth. The booking of the different services is possible via our order center within the Exhibitor Cockpit .

Where can I pick up my ordered Scan2Lead devices office onsite?

You can pick up your ordered Scan2Lead devices on site at the East Entrance, room MEO.02.

Technology & services: technical orders / services Messe München / logistics / service booklet

How can I book a parking permit?

You can order parking spaces for cars and trucks in the Exhibitor Shop of Messe München . Invoicing will take place with the final invoice from Messe München. Please direct all queries regarding parking permits to: APCOA Parking Deutschland GmbH , Tel. +49 89 949 281 30. The invoice will come with your final invoicing from Messe München.

How can I reserve a time frame for the vehicle access point to the exhibition grounds to avoid a waiting period?

Messe München offers its exhibitors, their booth builders and forwarding agents the possibility to reserve a time frame for their delivery and collection via the logistics control system FairLog. Please note that this service can only be booked for vehicles that are longer than 8 meters in total. Reserve your parking lots at https://messe-muenchen.fairlogportal.com .

What is the deadline for my service orders (electricity, cleaning, security, etc.)?

The deadline for most of the technical orders is six weeks at the latest before the set-up officially begins. While orders will still be possible after that date, you may have to expect a surcharge for late booking. If you have any questions, you can find the contact details of the service providers within the Exhibitor Shop of Messe München .

By when do I need to submit the booth construction plans for approval?

The submission deadline for booth constructions requiring approval is six weeks at the latest before the set-up officially begins. Please submit your plans to the Technical Exhibition Services (Technischer Ausstellerservice, TAS2) of Messe München (Tel. +49 89 9492 2068, tas2@messe-muenchen.de )

Can we deliver smaller materials to the exhibition hall with our own passenger car?

Yes, deliveries with your own passenger car are generally allowed, but please note that in case of a high congestion, the passenger car entry will be stopped. When you enter the exhibition grounds, you will need to pay a deposit of 100 €.

Which booth builder can I book? Are there any specifications I need to consider?

You are free to choose any booth builder. You can find contact details for our booth building partners in the Service Manual .

How do I need to label the deliveries for my exhibition booth?

You can find information on this in the Service Manual under “Further Information".

I will not be personally available to receive the delivery myself – what do I do?

If you are not personally available to receive deliveries, they will be stored by the shipping companies subject to charge. Please notify the shipping company about this. You can find information on this in the Service Manual under “Further Information".

Where can I find more information about the Outdoor Area?

You can find more information about the Outdoor Area in the Service Manual under "Further Information".

How can my booth builder make it onto the exhibition grounds?

From April 2025, our traffic guide will be available in the Service Manual . This guide contains information on all vehicle access points, times and any further important information on set-up and dismantling (“Logistics and Security”).

No tickets are required during the set-up and dismantling periods.

Where can I order furniture?

You will find the furniture you need for your booth in the Exhibitor Shop of Messe München .

Can I book an entry slot for trucks for the last day of the exhibition or the start of dismantling at 6 pm?

No, this is not possible.

You will find all further information on the entry regulations for dismantling in the Messe München Traffic Guide.
The traffic guide will be available on the website from April 2025. Please direct your questions to: vs@messe-muenchen.de

Where can I order catering for my booth?

In the Exhbitor Shop of Messe München you will find the order forms for the various catering providers.

Where can I get a technical floor plan?

The technical floor plans are available from Messe München's Technical Exhibition Services:
Tel: +49 89 9492 2068 or via email: tas2@messe-muenchen.de

How do I register a two-storey booth construction and how long does the approval process take?

Please note: The duration of the approval process directly depends on how well-prepared the documents are and whether they are submitted on time.

Basically, there are 2 instances in charge for the approval. The first one is the technical exhibitor service of the Messe München ( tas2@messe-muenchen.de ), to check the accordance with the guidelines and just in case the determination of a sprinkler system.
As soon as this part is finished, the static calculation and plans will be sent to the static engineer in charge, to check. This will last about 1-2 weeks, if we get proper documents.

For further information or help, please do not hesitate to contact the exhibitor service directly.


Which invoices will I receive in connection with The smarter E Europe?

You can find an overview of all the companies that could potentially send you an invoice on page 9 of our Checklist .

Before the exhibition, you will receive an invoice from Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik & Messe GmbH & Co. KG stating the booth rental fee and other fees, if any, for additional set-up days, container slots and sponsorships. After the exhibition, you will receive an invoice for ancillary costs, such as conference or meeting room rental, exhibitor tickets and other services you ordered in the Exhibitor Cockpit.

You will receive an invoice for all services including electricity and water installations, suspensions, parking tickets, etc. after the exhibition from Messe München GmbH.

Your respective service providers will send the invoices for booth construction, equipment, catering etc.

When will I receive the invoice on my booth rental?

You will receive the invoice for your booth rental about two weeks after you were sent the booth placement.

How can I change my billing address?

To change your billing address, please send an email with your inquiry and your new address to TheSmarterE@fwtm.de. Please note that if you want to change your billing address after invoicing, you will be charged a processing fee of 175 € per change and per bill.

I need a quote for my accounting department to create a PO number. How can I get a quote?

A PO number is an internal order number that you may need for your internal accounting/allocation. If you need one, please use the Cost Calculator to receive all costs.

Do I need to pay the booth rental fee even if the location does not meet my expectations?

Yes, you have to pay. Booth locations are assigned once all the exhibitors’ details and wishes have been thoroughly checked. Discrepancies between the assigned location and your specifications arise from the total demand and our actual options. If you are unsatisfied with your booth’s location, we are happy to check for alternatives.

How much will I have to pay if I cancel the exhibition?

The cancellation fee depends on when we receive your (written) notification of the cancellation of a confirmed registration. Depending on the timeframe, the cancellation costs are between 10% to 100% of the booth rental fee. You can find a detailed scheme under item 8 of our General Terms and Conditions of Participation that you received with your application form.

Why do I get an invoice from Messe München?

You will receive an invoice from Messe München for all services you have ordered in the Exhibitor Shop of Messe München .

Booth locations

How is the rate for each exhibitor determined?

The rate depends on the booth type, registration date and membership status in our Membership Program. There are three categories: regular price, price for re-booking and the member rate. For more details, please see your registration.

How can I ensure that all my wishes for the booth are taken into account?

Booth locations are assigned once all the exhibitors’ details and wishes have been thoroughly checked. Discrepancies between the assigned location and your specifications arise from the total demand and our actual options. But we are happy to check for alternatives in case you are unsatisfied with your booth location.

I’m not satisfied with the assigned location. How do I proceed?

If you are unsatisfied with the assigned location, please get in touch with your contact (see contact details you received) and we will be happy to check for possible alternatives.

Is it possible for me to influence the booth location by booking additional services (sponsorship)?

The booking of a sponsorship offers raises your point status in the Membership Program and therefore also affects your advantages. This includes a preferred location (depending on the status level). So it’s certainly worth booking a sponsorship. And what’s more, you increase your possibilities to get into contact with promising players before, during and after the exhibition!


This is my first time as an exhibitor. How do I proceed?

You can find information on The smarter E Europe such as the exhibition site plan, the exhibition areas, a cost calculator, etc., on our Website , as well as a link to the Online Registration . I f you’re already registered, please see the Checklist for an overview of the most important steps to plan your exhibition attendance and to help you to prepare the attendance.

You are also welcome to contact our sales team:

Ms Kristin A. Merz & Sales Team

Phone +49 7231 58598-299
Fax +49 7231 58598-28
Email merz@solarpromotion.com

What are the admission times of The smarter E Europe for exhibitors?

2 hours before the opening of the exhibition and 1 hour after the exhibition closes:

7.00-19.00 | Wednesday
7.00-19.00 | Thursday
7.00-18.00 | Friday

An Exhibitor Ticket is required (for registration see Exhibitor Cockpit "Where can I register exhibitor tickets?").

On site

Where can I print my documents printed onsite?

Smaller quantities can be printed, copied and scanned (USB stick, A3 and A4) in the Plan 3 exhibition shop (Atirum in front of Hall B5). Larger quantities can be printed out at Atelier Gebhard in the Service Works East (East Entrance).

Something was stolen from me, what do I do now?

Report this at the security center in the West Entrance or by phone at +49 89 949 -24555

Can I still buy dek material, tools or electrical material on site?

Plan 3 GmbH supplies exhibitors and stand builders with everything they need for their booths. In case you are still missing something for the perfect exhibition appearance, the PLAN 3 exhibition store is set up for you, located in the atrium in front of Hall B5. Here you will find everything from painting supplies, decoration and graphic materials, tools and souvenirs to food and catering equipment. Alternatively, a larger shopping center, the Riem Arkaden, is within walking distance of the West Entrance.

Is it possible to book meeting/conferences rooms on site?

If there are still meeting and conference rooms available, they can be booked on site via the exhibitor office.
Please note, however, that in these cases it will only be possible to rent room equipment and make individual seating requests to a limited extent.

Where can I find an ambulance service?

The first-aid service is always present at events - from set-up through the entire duration of the exhibition to dismantling. First-aid stations are located at the West and East entrances and in Hall C4 - depending on hall occupancy. Paramedics and doctors treat medical emergencies directly on site. If necessary, they will be supported by the public ambulance service.

Where can I rent audio and video equipment such as an additional microphone, speakers, etc. on site at short notice?

Neumann&Müller GmbH & Co. KG offers this service line on the exhibition grounds, atrium in front of hall B1.

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