Zehnjähriges Jubiläum der ees Europe – Impressionen

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Aufzeichnung der Jubliäumsfeier vom 19. Juni 2024

Bekannt in der Energiespeicher-Community: Markus Elsässer, CEO der Solar Promotion GmbH, Martin Horn, Oberbürgermeister der Green City Freiburg und ees Europe Conference Chairman Florian Mayr von Apricum Cleantech Advisory plaudern kurzweilig über Hintergründe zur ees Europe im Jubiläumsjahr 2024. Moderation: Kilian Reichert. (Dauer: ca. 20 Minuten) Auf Englisch anschauen

Impressionen der Jubliäumsfeier

Die schönsten Momente nacherleben: Aussteller, Partner, Kunden, Teamkollegen, Freunde und langjährige Wegbegleiter haben die erfolgreiche Entwicklung der ees Europe in lockerer und stimmungsvoller Atmosphäre gefeiert. Die schönsten Bilder der Feier finden Sie hier.

Glückwünsche zum Jubiläum

Herzlichen Dank für die vielen guten Wünsche. Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Dekade mit unseren Kunden, Partnern, Kollegen und Freunden. Die Glückwünsche von Akteuren der Energiespeicherbranche lesen Sie hier .

Weiterführende Inhalte
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Hydrogen Europe



Jorgo Chatzimarkakis is CEO of Hydrogen Europe since 2016. Before he was Representative of Infineon Technologies in Brussels and Member of the European Parliament (2004 - 2014) inter alia in the ITRE Committee (Industry, Technology, Research and Energy) where he could contribute to lay the cornerstone for the first and the second Joint Undertaking on hydrogen and fuel cells. In 2007 he was elected 'MEP of the year' by his colleagues of the European Parliament in the category 'Research and Innovation'. In 2015 he was appointed ambassador at large for Greece. Mr Chatzimarkakis was born in Duisburg, Germany. He holds German and Greek nationality, a degree in political science from the University of Bonn.

Jonas Heilhecker, bayernets GmbH

Referent Projektentwicklung Wasserstoff Netzstrategie & Innovation


Jonas Heilhecker is a hydrogen project developer working for bayernets GmbH in munich. In network strategy and innovation, he works both on regional network planning and internationally on integrating the bayernets network into the import corridors. Before joining bayernets, he worked for a distribution network operator and was involved in the planning of the first real conversion project from natural gas to hydrogen in inhabited buildings. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering.

Alexander Voigt, HH2E



Exploring climate models in the 1980s sparked Alexander Voigt's passion for sustainability and belief in a global green economy. His career as a serial entrepreneur focuses on developing reliable and affordable CO2-free energy from renewable sources. With HH2E, Voigt's dream is becoming reality. This German green energy startup transforms surplus sun and wind energy into stable, price-competitive green hydrogen, aiming to install 4 GW of production in Germany by 2030. The company is also partnering with DHL and Leipzig Airport to launch a large-scale eSAF production project in Germany. Voigt founded Solon and Q-Cells in the 1990s, pioneering Germany's PV industry. Solon AG's 1998 IPO reached a market capitalisation of €5 billion, and Q-Cells became a global PV leader. In the 2000s, he co-founded Younicos AG and Lumenion, advancing off-grid renewables and energy storage. Passionate about cooking, hosting, and fly-fishing, Voigt is also a Greenpeace member. He seeks innovative ideas and talented individuals to join the renewable energy battle.


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ees Europe
Von Batterietechnologie bis zum Energiespeichersystem

7.–9. Mai 2025

Die ees Europe ist Europas größte und besucherstärkste Fachmesse für Batterien und Energiespeichersysteme und die Branchenplattform für Zulieferer, Hersteller, Händler und professionelle Anwender von stationären Energiespeicherlösungen und Batteriesystemen.

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