Strommarktreform & mehr - der Stand der EU-Politik zur Unterstützung der Energiespeicherung

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

14:30 - 16:00Uhr
ICM München
Room 5

Im ersten Quartal 2023 hat die EU-Kommission eine wahre Flut von speicherfreundlichen Vorschlägen vorgelegt. Der Kern ist die Strommarktreform (EMR), welche von Empfehlungen an die Mitgliedstaaten für einen umfassenden Ausbau der Energiespeicherung untermauert wird. Während der letzten ees Europe Conference wurden diese Vorschläge ausführlich diskutiert - aber was ist seitdem geschehen? Welche konkreten Maßnahmen gab es und wie erfolgreich werden sie darin, das Potenzial der Energiespeicherung zu erschließen?In dieser Session wird der Status der Umsetzung der EU-Energiespeicherpolitik diskutiert. Was ist gut gelaufen, was schlecht, und was sollte noch getan werden?

14:30 - 14:40UhrWelcome and Introduction

Lars Stephan

Senior Manager Policy & Market Development


14:40 - 14:50UhrState of Play on EU Storage Policy & Regulatory Framework

Elodie Perret

Head of EU Affairs

BayWa r.e.

14:50 - 15:00UhrState of Policy and Market of Storage in Germany

Claudia Günther

Research Lead

Aurora Energy Research

15:00 - 15:10UhrState of Policy and Market of Storage in Spain

Luz Carmen Perez Sanchez

Head of CAPEX Management


15:10 - 15:20UhrState of Policy and Market of Storage in Poland

Aleksandra Radwanska

Country Manager Next Kraftwerke Poland

Next Kraftwerke GmbH

15:20 - 15:45UhrPanel Discussion

15:45 - 15:55UhrQ&A Round

15:55 - 16:00UhrClose Out

Lars Stephan

Senior Manager Policy & Market Development


Aleksandra Radwanska, Next Kraftwerke GmbH

Country Manager Next Kraftwerke Poland


Aleksandra Radwanska is Country Manager Poland at Next Kraftwerke and works on sustainable energy solutions for the company. She leads the Polish team and is responsible for business development in the Polish market, focusing on market development, risk management and regulatory issues. Before joining Next Kraftwerke, she worked at InnoEnergy and General Electric. She holds an engineering degree from Warsaw University of Technology. She also holds a degree in Innovation Sciences from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and in Sustainable Energy Technologies from the Eindhoven University of Technology. Aleksandra enjoys sharing her enthusiasm for digital energy technologies. She is Vice President of the Polish Chamber of Energy Storage and Electric Mobility PIME and a member of the Polish Energy Trade Association.

Luz Carmen Perez Sanchez, Iberdrola

Head of CAPEX Management


Luz Pérez Sánchez is Head of the CAPEX Management at Iberdrola Renewable Energy. She has a deep expertise in the renewable sector of more than 15 years.

Lars Stephan, Fluence

Senior Manager Policy & Market Development

United Kingdom

Lars is a part of Fluence's Commercial, Market Development, Marketing and Policy Team in the EMEA region. He is responsible for policy and regulatory efforts on the EU level and throughout the EMEA region and supports the market and business development in Central Europe. Lars also leads the policy and market development for the TSO segment in the EMEA region, working with grid operators, regulators, and policy makers to establish energy storage as grid assets to improve utilisation and increase the operational reliability of power grids. Before joining Fluence, Lars worked for 8 years at Aggreko and Younicos (acquisition in 2017) on storage policy and market development globally, with a specific focus on storage-renewable hybrid assets. During this time, he participated in setting a 1GW storage target within Aggreko's company strategy. Before joining the clean energy sector, Lars worked at the political communication think tank ProDialog, and as a communication specialist for the European Parliament.

Elodie Perret, BayWa r.e.

Head of EU Affairs


Elodie Perret has joined BayWa r.e. as EU Policy Manager. She has more than 15 years of experience in Policy and regulatory issues in the renewable energy sector. She previously worked for the French Renewable Energy Association on wind before joining EDF Renewables in 2012, where she worked on offshore wind before becoming Head of Regulatory Affairs in 2016. In 2021, she became regulatory advisor for hydrogen. BayWa r.e. is a leading global renewable energy developer, service provider, distributor and energy solutions provider with operations in 31 countries, a turnover of around €6.5 billion and sustained growth throughout its history.

Claudia Günther, Aurora Energy Research

Research Lead


Claudia Günther leads the Research teams for Northwestern Europe at Aurora. In this position, she is responsible for the power market outlook for these markets, alongside strategic studies on the energy transition, covering topics evolving around electricity market design, decarbonization of the power sector, renewable energy and energy storage. She has an extensive track record of acting as an advisor on project and studies for developers, investors, utilities, grid operators and policy makers on the national and EU level.

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Dr. Sylvain Brimaud

Scientist and Team Leader

Dr. Sylvain Brimaud works as scientist and team leader at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW, Germany) since 2018. He received his PhD in 2009 from the University of Poitiers (France) and then moved to Ulm University (Germany) as post-doc. His research works focus on the basic understanding electrochemical/electrocatalytic processes and the development of functional electrodes for electrochemical power sources, in cooperation with academic and industrial partners.

Kyle David Ryan, RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

Senior Project Engineer, Solar Engineering


Mr. Kyle Ryan is a Senior Solar Engineer of RWE Renewables. He is responsible for coordinating project engineering activities and expertise during Development, Construction and Operation of solar photovoltaic plants, in Europe and Australia. He is also responsible for creating and maintaining specifications and processes to ensure quality and best practice in solar photovoltaic projects, across the international team. He has actively contributed to solar photovoltaic growth for the company, especially in the United Kingdom and Spain. He is now also the solar lead for hybrid plant design.

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