Luz Carmen Perez Sanchez

Head of CAPEX Management

Luz Pérez Sánchez is Head of the CAPEX Management at Iberdrola Renewable Energy. She has a deep expertise in the renewable sector of more than 15 years.

18. Juni 2024State of Policy and Market of Storage in Spain

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Katharina Eickelberg, Senior Vice President Global Communication & Sustainability von SMA Solar Technology AG
Erneuerbares Wachstum versus Nachhaltigkeit: Können wir den Fußabdruck ausgleichen?

The smarter E Podcast Folge 190 | Sprache: Englisch

12. September 2024

Wir sprechen mit Katharina Eickelberg über Nachhaltigkeit im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien

Messe Info

Besuchen auch Sie mit Ihrer Delegation The smarter E Europe 2023.

Isabella Caschetto, SMA Solar Technology AG

Product Manager Digital Services


Isabella Caschetto is Product Manager at SMA Solar Technology AG, where she is responsible for - a commercial optimization software for Hybrid Power Plants. Her focus is on developing digital products and business models for energy market integration and optimized plant operation. She has deep exercise in energy market and energy management and formerly served as energy consultant for industrial customers supporting them in optimizing energy purchasing and usage.

Thomas Hillig, Gründer von THEnergy
Weltweiter Wettlauf um grünen Wasserstoff – nur ein Hype, oder der Schlüssel zu einer nachhaltigen Energiezukunft?

The smarter E Podcast Folge 188 | Sprache: Englisch

22. August, 2024

Wir sprechen mit Thomas Hillig über globale Entwicklungen von Grünem Wasserstoff

Kyle David Ryan, RWE Renewables Europe & Australia GmbH

Senior Project Engineer, Solar Engineering


Mr. Kyle Ryan is a Senior Solar Engineer of RWE Renewables. He is responsible for coordinating project engineering activities and expertise during Development, Construction and Operation of solar photovoltaic plants, in Europe and Australia. He is also responsible for creating and maintaining specifications and processes to ensure quality and best practice in solar photovoltaic projects, across the international team. He has actively contributed to solar photovoltaic growth for the company, especially in the United Kingdom and Spain. He is now also the solar lead for hybrid plant design.

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